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Novellit Runot Suicide Note - A Sacrifice To The Water
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Suicide Note - A Sacrifice To The Water Hot

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Kirjoitin tämän runon joskus kauan aikaa sitten, kun elämä kävi liian synkäksi, raskaaksi minulle. Kaikki on nyt kunnossa. Päätin vain huomauttaa, kun otsikko on tuollainen.

My heart is broken, scattered across the river, and the pieces bloody gone ashore, raped by the wind, I will be taken by the lake - if you could, would you hear my call?

I would be walking the bottom with light, pure feet, disturbing the water, rolling in the mud

If I just could hear your call, but the water is keeping us apart

Im held by the river goddess, binded me - Im drowning and I shiver, she won´t let go, I could rest my head on her shoulder, forget the pace of time, let the water take me, would you wake me?

I can see the sunlight filtering through the surface - like a cathedral,

shining, sparkling to the deep, traveling the current with mermaids,

taking my hand, shedding my doubt, I´m letting go


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