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Novellit Runot One Sky
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One Sky Hot

Take one sky, tear it apart, spread it all over - that´s the world

It floats on the blue mirror, waiting to be solid, let´s make continents from them

Root it to the core, you knew them all, abandon them at once

We make the world, we made the world

I see the stars, millions of miles away, they are my beacons, they show me the way in the dark

And I see this star, taking it´s last breath - an emotional collapse, star dead

I can still feel the echo, it reflects hope as the waves of dreams wither away Im sinking too

I swallow the sun - it lights me inside as the door inside me shuts

I digest my pride and banish my will to hide, flowing - so glowing

Timidly I grasp the last branch, let it tie around your lap, vividly we sunk to wet shelter, but Im still seeking our greatest conquest, your beating turns my heart to drums

You pull me back to this planet, back to reality


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