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Novellit Runot Fragile
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Fragile Hot

I think you saw me
it´s not shameful
just to say anything
you didn´t care
you only knew my stare

I still feel empty, hardened
I often sit by the window and sigh
my hand on a frozen window
a mirror to my thoughts
and I wish it would be different

Sometimes my heart aches
and I become a child again
crying for mother
there is no one for me now
only a memory
keeps me warm at night
Only a hazy dream
like a rope to reality

Like a smoke that fades with a single punch
I deteriorate

And one day it happened - I was dead inside
couldn´t see the good in me
only a black veil around me every night
It was something concrete
I was longing for
something to believe in
I wanted to see

When the winter came, I was a little happy, devoured by my empty thoughts, finally I could rest a bit, but in the end I felt nothing at all


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