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Novellit Runot Hymn For The Moon
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Hymn For The Moon Hot

Im here, in endless nights, wandering through the moonlight, it stood there and watched

she shed her beams around me and I fell

Nor the moon, nor the day, could bring me the day before the lights, when im on a height shouting

And the wolves are crying out my name, they are crying out my name - and I hear them

voltures whispering, they are crying out my name

Im here and you´re there, basking in the headlights - like a deer

You, me, we

Are mocking the huntsmen, crying out their name

They slay the rest dreams of freedom

The blood of the beast that we were given of, gave us the lust for living, engraved in our hearts

Nature is calling us, let me in, let me out - let us race with the wind and never think again - the hounds will set us free

They are ripping us, poking us, raping out thoughts, we´re losing our hopes

I´ll lend you the silver bullet and this won´t happen again, please, forgive me

We are skinned alive, left hanging on the walls, they don´t care, we will take our toll

Im bound to be crazy for roam, I need to be crazy for howl, I want to be mad enough to live my life, get peace

Call the moon and set the wolves free, dance with them and let me be


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