Novellit Fantasia Dancing Under Moonlight (Chapter 6)
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Dancing Under Moonlight (Chapter 6) Hot

Chapter 6 The Ancient Family Curse
The spell revealed by the spirit of Sim turned into a family curse. It occurred, because it was recited by a witch named Nequila. She lived in the same forest as the Urur tribe. She was their enemy. She found out about the spell in her dream. White being in a trance state, she encountered Sim´s ghost. The ghost revealed to her Sim´s secret spell. Nequila memorized it easily, since it was short.
Then, she said it aloud in front of all the Urur people. She spoke before they even knew. The unfortunate spell made them angry. It contaminated the river near the camp. So, that all the fish were found floating dead on the surface.
The devastated mob killed Nequila. After hearing the forbidden spell being spoken aloud, people threw spears at her. Their weapons pierced Nequila´s head, heart, lungs, stomach and legs. They speared her within few minutes. Soon the witch lay lifeless on the ground. Blood oozed out of her partly open mouth.
She was an alive demon. The shaman said that she was possessed by a river spirit. Those water spirits were evil. Nequila had walked on earth for too many years in many people´s opinion. She had caused more trouble, diseases and death than many people knew. King Nebu was one among many, who wished for the witch to die. Many people claimed that it was due to Nequila´s curse that Nebu´s parents died of plague.
Even though the witch died, the family curse remained existing. It brought more death, diseases and suffering to the world. Innocent children and adults got ill. They died sooner than they would have otherwise. Also, animals died in the forest of lethal diseases. The river was also contaminated.


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